  • 日本の首都、≪東京≫・・・そこは、世界にまだまだ知られていない、数多くの魅力を秘めた街。そんな魅力豊かな街を世界中のお客様に発信して行きます。

  • Tokyo,the capital of Japan is an attractive city.People all over the world don’t know this attractiveness.We, Best Travel Tokyo,inform it to people all over the world.


Tokyo is a rare and miracle city, mixed the culture of West and East, its history and culture, custom, fashion. We do our best in the making the site, make you easily find the information of hotel, restaurant, entertainment and leisure. As a guide, we do our best to  get you  solve your question about trip and, enable to enjoy Tokyo.






Tokyo has two aspect. Modern center of city and, peaceful suburb. You are able to experience four seasons in only Japan. In Tokyo, you can experience these changing seasons, culture, entertainment, latest technology.Tokyoite love and cherish nature.Wishing to enjoy Tokyo ,the epitome of Japan, to their heart, people all over the world come here.



We have strength in well simple and useful function and multilinganization. And, We can, for example popular tourist areas, well-kept-secret places, nature, historical buildings, culture, entertainments.

  • 言語

    104 languages … The number of languages we can accomodate.

    言語の違いがストレスになって旅を楽しめないことはとても残念なことです。Best Travel Tokyoでは、どの国のユーザーが東京に来られたとしてもストレスなく母国語で理解して頂き、旅を快適なものに出来るように、104ヵ国の言語に対応しております。

    It’s too bad you can’t enjoy your trip for feeling stress about difference of language. Best-Travel-Tokyo  accommodates 104 languages for making you understand trip information by using your first language and make a trip with comfort.

  • 路線

    A plain English
    route map


    Many people think Tokyo’s traffic network is so complicated. Especially, traveling on a train is very difficult, because Tokyo’s train line is under the control of different train companies and it couses complexity. That’s why we have made a plain English route map to take you to destination smoothly.

  • 記事

    We post a daily update on recommended places.

    Best Travel Tokyoでは、「東京」に沢山ある観光スポットや、お薦めしたいスポット、情報の中から、厳選して今が旬なスポットを毎日更新、紹介させて頂きます。

    Best Travel Tokyo is all updated daily,and inform you places to go and things to do in Tokyo.

  • 東京は日本の首都であり、日本の縮図です。





    東京と一括りに出来ない奥深い人々や暮らしや文化も生きている。 それを伝え切れない事は凄く残念なことです。



    だから、Best Travel Tokyo なのです!

  • Tokyo is the capital of Tokyo and epitome of Japan.
    Many people think Tokyo is the most advanced cities in information technology and business, big city, heavily populated, cluster of high-rise buildings.

    But, this impression is nothing more than the center of the city. Certainly,Tokyo is the very small city in the world. However, Tokyo’s suburb area is unbelievably rich with nature.

    The life-style there is a different one of city.
    In Tokyo, a lot of farm families, fishers, forest workers live. In shitamachi (old town), craftspeople who make traditional crafts and have excellent technology for high-tech live.

    Modern center of city, suburb surrounded by beautiful natures.
 Tokyo is composed with bedtown and old town.

    Tokyo is the epitome of Japan. There’s everything here.
    In this old town, the original history and culture is now-existing, people here welcome you hospitably.

    These long-standing tradition and streetscape are also Tokyo’s attractiveness. But, do other travel services accurately inform these Tokyo’s attractiveness?
    Tokyo’s attractiveness can’t be described in a single word. Tokyo is the city of diversity. It’ s too bad Tokyo’s attractiveness is’nt accurately informed.

    We’ve concluded we should make a simple website to suit your purpose and use.

    Our website accommodates 104 luangages and is suitable for trip with your family and friends, and a solo journey.

    We want end Tokyo’uniformed impression, big city, heavily populated, cluster of high-rise buildings, and completely inform you true Tokyo. We hope you see, listen, experience true Tokyo.We like to tell you Tokyo’s wonderful culture and food culture.
    This is Tokyo.
    That’s why Best Travel Tokyo!

我々の提供するBest Travel Tokyo は、他には絶対に真似の出来ないサイトにするべく、日々、時代やユーザーのニーズに合わせた「東京」をご紹介できるようINFINITY-GROUPS 全員が一丸となり、作り上げます。

是非、Best Travel Tokyo で日本の「東京」を皆様に体験して頂けたらと心より願っております

We INFINITY-GROUPS work together making the best tourist website, always informing you true Tokyo.

We wish you experience “true Tokyo” in Japan by Best Travel Tokyo. Sincerely, Best-Travel-Tokyo.

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